12 Best Places to Visit in Bhutan

Thimphu – The Royal Capital

Thimphu is an intriguing destinations and the capital of Bhutan. The city nestled in the higher ranges of the Himalayas offers astonishing sights of their emerald forests and beautiful view of the Raidak or Chuu River. Thimphu is culturally a must visit place graced with old world charms and modernity. You might just be amazed to witness their red light to be a traffic policeman. Interestingly, the red light lasted in the city for mere three days until the locals disliked and found the light to be rather negative, hence replaced with the human traffic controller. Today, the city is flooded with camera-wielding tourists exploring the unique treasures of Bhutanese culture, cuisine and lifestyle. Basically, the top sightseeing places that are popularly explored in Thimphu are Buddha Dordenma, Memorial Chorten, Dechencholing Palace, Clock Tower Square, Motithang Takin Preserve. Other tourism places include Dzong such as Tashichho and Simtokha; Monasteries such as Dechen Phodrang, Tango and Cheri. For an excursion breaker, Thimphu also offers charming cafes and bars as well as nightclubs and restaurants to socialise and meet like-minded people. It is definitely one of the best place to visit in Bhutan.

Paro – The Last Shangri-La

Its peaceful serene beauty and clean air, surrounded by unlevelled mountains, lush green fields and historical buildings make Paro the foremost popular destination in Bhutan. It is here in the city, where the only international airport can be found. Thus, Paro receives maximum number of tourists year round. There are frequent visits to the attractive dzongs such as Paro and Zuri; monasteries and palaces like Paro Taktsang (Tiger’s Nest Monastery), Pelri Goemba, Ugyen Pelri Palace. Other best tourism places include temples, monuments and museums such as Bondey Lhakhang, Khangkhu Lhakhang, Tago Lhakhang, Druk Choeding and National Museum. Paro is a historic town with peaceful atmosphere and it is best explored on foot. It is worth a stroll witnessing the everyday life of the locals which ultimately makes it definitely one of the best place to visit in Bhutan.

Punakha Dzong – The Lost Capital of Bhutan

The once a capital of Bhutan, Punakha Valley is one of the most scenic year-round places to see in Bhutan.Also known as Pungtang Dewa chhenbi Phodrang, which translates into “the palace of happiness and bliss”, Punakha Dzong is a 17th century monastery that was constructed by the first Bhutanese Zhabdrung Rinpoche, and it is the second oldest Buddhist dzong in the kingdom. Once the administrative seat of government in Bhutan until 1955, the dzong houses some of Bhutan’s most sacred relics of the Drukpa Lineage of the Kagyu School of Buddhism, as well as the sacred remains of the first Zhabdrung Rinpoche. The dzong was also the site of the wedding of King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and his bride, Jetsun Pema, in October 2011, which was the first national TV broadcast to the Bhutanese people. it is definitely one of the best place to visit in Bhutan.

Trongsa – The Balcony of Bhutan

Trongsa sits in the central Bhutan and its lush flora creates a beautiful place to surround your senses and simply meditate. This must see place in Bhutan is conveniently placed in the centre with a strategic junction connecting roads to Bumthang, Gelephu and Punakha. A noteworthy attraction in Trongsa is the Trongsa Dzong. This is one of the best Buddhist monasteries beautifully topped with red roofs and white wash walls set down above a valley. Trongsa is a sleepy little town and apart from sightseeing the only thing one can do to pass the time is to take a stroll along the shops that are beautifully decorated with pot plants and crowded by gleeful locals. it is definitely one of the best place to visit in Bhutan.

Bumthang or Jakar Valley – The Switzerland of Bhutan

Enriched with the charm and splendour of evergreen mountains, Bumthang or the Jakar Valley if fondly called as ‘Little Switzerland’! Well, even though you may not find the scenic Swiss Alps here, you can surely savour the delicious ‘Swiss Cheese’ while touring around the magnificent Jakar Valley; thus, it got its name.

Located in central-eastern part of the country, Bumthang can easily surpass any of the places to visit in Bhutan with its bountiful beauty and natural marvels. Jakar’s rugged terrains and challenging trails also earned it a fame among the adrenaline seekers. Whether outdoors or indoors, you would surely like every bit of this valley. it is definitely one of the best place to visit in Bhutan.

Phobjikha Valley – Land of Black-Necked Cranes

Phobjikha is an enormous U-shaped glacial valley bordering the Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park. This ever enchanting land is where the beautiful black-necked cranes are found during winters. Not just that, as picturesque and quiet this place may be Phobjikha witnesses thrilling festivals as well. Held every year in the confines of the Phobjikha Valley, Tsechu Festival and the Crane Festival that welcomes the black-neck cranes are vigorously celebrated in the Gangteng Monastery courtyard. However, this abode on the western slopes of the Black Mountains offers spellbinding views of beautiful valleys, marshy land and grassy pastures. In addition to the cranes, since Phobjikha is close to Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park, you can sight muntjacs (barking deer), wild boars, sambars, serows, Himalayan black bears, leopards and red foxes in the surrounding hills. Apart from the wildlife in Bhutan, other attractions in Phobjikha are Gangte Goemba, Nyelung Dechenling, Khewang Lhakhang, Kumbu Lhakhang, Damchen Lhakhang, White Chorten and Wangmo Hand-Woven Carpet Factory. it is definitely one of the best place to visit in Bhutan.

Mount Chomolhari – Bride of the Kangchenjunga

Guarding the borders of Bhutan, the Chomolhari Mountian (also called Jomolhari Mountain) is a part of the great Himalayas. Rising around 2,700m above the ground level, this enthralling mountain is affectionately called the ‘Bride of the Kangchenjunga’ due to its proximity with the latter.

A sacred site among the Buddhists; mostly the Tibetan Buddhists, legends have it that it is the abode of Goddess Jomo, who is believed to be the protector of Happy Kingdom. Chomolhari Mountain remained unclimbed until 1924 as the folklore said that anyone trying to scale this sacred mountain will be thrown or pushed down. However, it has now become a hot-spot among the trekkers and thrill seekers alike. Even if you don’t wish to climb Mount Jomolhari. it is definitely one of the best place to visit in Bhutan.

Wangdue Phodrang – Bhutan’s Unification Capital

Settled at a breathtaking height of 28,000ft, Wangdue Phodrang is the second largest and one of the most surreal places to visit in Bhutan. A scenic display of how soulfully cultures meet and greet nature’s untouched beauty, this second largest district of the Land of Dragons is also expected to get enlisted as an ‘UNESCO World Heritage Site’ soon.

Dotted with an array of tourist attractions, Wangdue Phodrang is offers a unique mix of subtropical as well as cool and snowy climatic conditions. Thus, it has earned an unmatched reputation among visitors searching for wonderful places to see in Bhutan. it is definitely one of the best place to visit in Bhutan.

Jigme Dorji National Park – The Wild Side of Himalayan Kingdom

Spread across the length and breadth of Gasa District and some parts of Thimphu, Paro, Wangdue Phodrang, and Punakha, the enthralling Jigme Dorji National Park at 1,400-1,700m, is a natural home to many endangered and rare wildlife species. Flaunting its irresistible beauty across 4,315sq.km, this reserved area is also a tough contender name in the list of ‘UNESCO World Heritage Site’.

Home to more than 30 wildlife species, the park also has several cultural sites within its perimeter. On a visit to Jigme Dorji National Park, one can easily spot Bengal Tiger, Snow Leopard, Takin, Clouded Leopard, and Himalayan Blue Sheep are some of the dominant inhabitants of this park. It also houses more than 300 different species of birds and an array of rare floral species. Jigme Dorji National Park has also become a favourite ground for trekkers opting for Jomolhari Trek, Snowman Trek, Lunana Trek and Gasa-Laya Trek. it is definitely one of the best place to visit in Bhutan.

Phuentsholing – The Gateway to Bhutan

Located at the foothills of the great Himalayas and sharing border with an Indian town called Jaogaon, Phuntsholing or the ‘Gateway to Bhutan’, is a must visit place in the list of best places to visit in Bhutan! Owing to its proximity to the Indian territory, one can always expect a mix of crowd in this magnificent town. However, the town resonates Bhutan’s unique cultures and tradition in the most vivid ways.

Located around 5-6 hours’ drive away from Thimphu and Paro, visitors from India, Bangladesh, and Maldives can reach this scenic town without any tourist visa. However, while crossing the border, national of these countries need to show valid ID proofs and seek entry permission. it is definitely one of the best place to visit in Bhutan

Haa Valley – Explore The Villages Of Bhutan

Many say that if you visit Bhutan and don’t go for a day out in the Haa valley, you didn’t actually visit Bhutan. This valley is one of the scantiest population in Bhutan, the place has a rich diversity of animals and plants living here, making it the perfect get together for anyone who is a nature lover.

This place is also the hotspot for hiking and biking enthusiasts for the amazing trails spread across the place. A little off the beaten way, the best part about this place that it is pretty less crowded, and the way that leads to the valley gives you an unparalleled view of the Chomolhari. it is definitely one of the best place to visit in Bhutan.

Tiger’s Nest – Must-Visit Place Of Bhutan

This is the monastery whose pictures rule the Instagram feed. You must have come across its pictures in your Instagram feed as it is one of the most prominent places to visit in Bhutan. More popularly known as ‘Tiger’s Nest,’ Taktsang Palphung Monastery is one of the most prominent places to visit in Bhutan and fascinates photographers, adventurers and pilgrims alike. Everything, from the monastery’s location to its architecture is unique.

The construction of the temple complex dates back to 1692. Located 3120 meters above the sea level in Paro Valley, this monastery is the cultural icon of Bhutan. The complex hangs to a cliff which makes it all the more unique and fascinating. Taktsang Palphung Monastery is surrounded by hills blanketed with the lush green cover of forests. Though reaching this wonderful monastery may be challenging, it is definitely one of the best place to visit in Bhutan.

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